Përmirësimi i llogaridhënies së qeverisjes vendore në Bashkinë e Tropojës Përmbledhje Në kuadër të instrumentit të granteve të vogla “Shoqëria...
WPS Albania as one of the partners of the DeP Dora of Reconciliation Organization, which implemented the project “Youth Network...
This project is initiated within the framework of the Western Balkans Local Democracy Regional Program (RELOaD), funded by the European...
This is an ongoing project, in the framework of the program to strengthen the engagement of diaspora organizations in development...
Accelerated Civic Development and Cooperation Request for Application / RFA -05 Fixed Amount Award Nr. RFA-05-001 USAID Grand Funding ANTTARC...
Reference Number of the Project: 2017/394-893, sub-grant of the amount of 9. 966 EUR, awards by Women Center “Light Steps”...
Subgrand amount 400.000ALL, awards by CCP Objectives : This project aimed to promote handicrafts by women and girls in the...
Subgrand amount 250.000ALL, awards by CCP Objectives : Promotion of handicrafts by artisan women of Tropoja, with motifs and models...
Subgrand amount 1370 Euro, awards by GADC Objectives : Enhancing the skills and abilities of women through the provision of...
Reference Number of the Project: 12SidAd21AWEN Subgrand amount 3000 Euro, awards by AWEN Objectives: Advocacy making and raising awareness in...