Wps Albania

Event Detail

  • Start Date 09/01/2020
  • End Date 11/01/2021
  • End Time 12:00 AM

Subgrand amount 1370 Euro, awards by GADC

Objectives : Enhancing the skills and abilities of women through the provision of information, training, and counseling, which will enable them to take on more employment opportunities.

Results: 10-15 women and girls of which 10 of them unemployed or self-employed, 5 women running / managing a micro, small or medium business, ie potential women to become entrepreneurs of tomorrow together with entrepreneurs of already, have benefited from training on “Citizens’ rights and access to public services and local decision-making.”, “General knowledge on the Albanian legislation of the taxation system and commercial legal issues as well as employment practices”, “Information on donors, funding sources and support for promoting the employment of women and girls”,  “Writing a project proposal” for the absorption of funds from donors that focus on promoting employment for women and girls in rural areas.

Mentoring for capacity building, self-confidence and encouraging women to have access to the labor market according to the areas that women and girls represent, mainly for handicraft marketing, tourism, use of natural resources, etc.