This is an ongoing project, in the framework of the program to strengthen the engagement of diaspora organizations in development cooperation supported by GIZ and CIM (Centrum fur Internationale Migration und Entwicklung).
Lead Applicant: IDENTITET e.V
Partner: WPS Albania
Donor: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
The project aimed to increase competitiveness of women and strengthen the women entrepreneurship in Elbasan region in Albania and provide sustainable solutions for development of women`s micro and small businesses so they and their families don’t need to emigrate.
The project targets 50 women potential entrepreneurs in the region of Elbasan. At impact level, the project will contribute to inclusive and sustainable growth in Albania by enhancing the economic empowerment of women with increased economic activity strongly supported by diaspora knowledge transfer.
The business model from Diaspora in Germany that worked in their initial phase of operation will be shared with our project target group and they will profit from lessons learned via the Diaspora and Local advisory Board. The people working in the different environment will openly share what they see and know. We will propose following steps and key activities related to the restart program, meaning the restructuring of companies in difficult situation, owned by women in Elbasan. Without a culture of reaching out, reusing, and collaborating, knowledge transfer just won’t work. The instructors will guide the participants through business brainstorming, exploring new ways of business thinking, business development phases, overall positioning of the business ideas on the market, competences, development of business plan, risk mitigation, access to market, sharing their German experience.