Wps Albania

Event Detail

  • Start Date 03/01/2021
  • End Date 05/31/2021
  • Location Tropoja

Reference Number of the Project: 12SidAd21AWEN

Subgrand amount 3000 Euro, awards by AWEN

Objectives: Advocacy making and raising awareness in the community of Tropoja on vote manipulation, the importance of voting, the importance of women’s participation in elections as voters, observers and candidates, how COVID-19 has influenced the voting process and how to respect the measures anti COVID-19 during the voting process.

Results: Training a group of 25 women who will serve as local ambassadors for the issues that include:  vote fraud/manipulation, the importance of voting and of women’s participation in elections as voters, observers and candidates, how COVID-19 has influenced the process of voting and how to respect the measures anti COVID-19 during the voting process.

Monitoring the voting process and drafting a report by the group of 25 women who were trained in advance.