Re-connecting communities: Advocating for social inclusion of vulnerable communities in the Municipality of Tropoja 12/02/2019 - RAPORT PËR MATJEN E KËNAQËSISË SË QYTETARËVE TË BASHKISË TROPOJË PËR SITUATËN NË ARSIMIN PARAUNIVERSITAR Tropoja 10/01/2021 12:00 AM-12:00 AM Increasing women’s access to employment 09/01/2020 -12:00 AM Youth Network Lezha – LYONET 09/01/2018 - Step by step! Women economic growth in Elbasan region through knowledge exchange with Albanian diaspora in Germany 07/15/2019 - Let’s not forget where we come from to understand where we want to go 07/01/2020 -